



Course Handouts








This page will serve as a media for posting current events and upcoming items of interest to students  assigned to my classes.  You will find things like reminders of items due for submission in class, course changes applicable to all class sections, special notices, weather advisories, personal notes, etc.


Section 1 - Temporary Postings

This section will consist of those announcements that are determined to be of limited duration.  Such postings will usually stay for approximately two weeks. 




  Connect eBook Access

To gain access to the Connect eBook for the purposes of reviewing a chapter, working an assignment, researching a topic, or other issue, follow these steps:

   (1)  Log-on to the Connect System, then click on your accounting course from the Connect menu.

   (2)  When the "Assignment" menu appears, click on the ebook icon reflected in the left hand column.

   (3)  When the eBook webpage comes up, click on the Menu icon at the upper top of the screen (icon looks like 3 blue
          fingers.  When you place the cursor on the icon, you will see the word "Contents").

   (4)  Go down the Contents list and click on the desired subject or chapter.

   (5)  A subject listing appears.  Go down that listing to the desired subject or item.  Click on that tab.

   (6)  The next screen will take you to the eBook page for the selected subject.


                                                    How to use the Connect Homework System Video

Provided below, is a link to a video that gives you examples of the step-by-step process of entering data for your assigned homework problems.  If this is the first time using the Connect system, it should help getting you started on completing your homework assignments.  Click on the link below to access the video.

If you have trouble registering, or other system issues, you can also call McGraw-Hill Support  at 1-800-331-5094 for assistance.






Section 2 - Permanent Postings

This section will consist generally of those announcements that are considered to be permanent in nature.  Therefore, such postings will usually stay for the current semester. 



Exam Reviews

Each Exam Review will be posted the week it is presented in class. Copies will be posted on the Exams/Grades Webpage for downloading, if you are not in class to receive a printed copy.


Summary Exam Grades 

Summary class results of each exam will be posted to the appropriate course webpage. Click on your course title on the Exams/Grades webpage to review the summary results.  Summary grades will be posted within two days after exam day.



General Ledger Software Applications

have provided detailed instructions, on this website, for using the General Ledger software.  You will find the these instructions on the General Ledger software link appearing on the Course Handouts webpage.  (Note:  The General Ledger software is used only for the Financial Accounting course).


Generic Working Papers

You will find a group of generic forms, listed on the Course Resources webpage under  Course Handouts, immediately after the listings of the Material Sources section.   You have a choice of two different formats that can be downloaded.  These generic forms should be adequate for completing most of the assigned homework problems.  As a result, you may find that it is not necessary to purchase the optional Working Papers workbook that accompanies the textbook.



Computer Labs


Business Department Computer Lab (OC Room  307) .  This lab is open to all Business students.   The current open lab schedule for the current Semester is as follows:




Monday - Thursday   8:00 AM -  6:00 PM  
Friday   8:00 AM -  12:00 PM
Saturday   Closed
Sunday   Closed


Tutoring Service Hours:  The Business Lab also provides tutoring services.  Tutoring hours are as follows:




 Tutoring services are conducted in Room OC 312

It is recommended that you call (210-486-1416); ask for the Accounting tutor; and make an appointment to insure you have adequate time reserved.


SLAC Lab (MLC Room 707)

          (1)  This lab provides more access hours in the evenings and on weekends.

          (2)  The current Lab hours are as follows:



Monday - Thursday   7:30 AM -  8:00 PM  
Friday   8:00 AM -  1:00 PM
Saturday   Closed
Sunday   Closed

          (3)   If you need information about the SLAC, click on the following web address
                  to access their website.




Computer Usage:

           (1)  Students may not install programs on any system.

           (2)  Students may not utilize messenger or chat services that have not been

           (3)  Students may not use SLAC computers to play games.


Printing Policies:

           (1)  Students must purchase a reusable and rechargeable SLAC GoPrint Card for
                  printing all documents.

           (2)  Initial print cards are purchased for $1.00, which comes with an available
                  balance of $0.50.

           (3)  Printing costs are $0.10 for each black and white page and $1.00 for each
                  color page.

           (4)  It is recommended that students perform a spelling/grammar check, and print
                  preview before printing their documents.

           (5)  Materials may not be edited at the service desk.

           (6)  Details of the GoPrint system and a list of GoPrint locations can be obtained
                  by clicking on the icon below.









Tutoring Service Hours: 

Tutoring services are available by appointment.  Drop-in tutoring is okay but is dependent on the tutors not having appointments. Students can schedule their own tutoring appointments by using the AlamoNavigate link inside their ACES account.  

A tutor is available in the SLAC Lab for various times.  Make a reservation by contacting the SLAC Lab at the link or by phone provided below.

Phone: 210-486-0165


Proctoring Service HoursSLAC will proctor make-up exams during the following hours.  Allow yourself enough time to complete the exam before the specified closing time.

(Currently suspended)





All services, excluding printing, are FREE for all current ACCD students.




Special Announcements


Computers & Equipment for Sale


Occasionally, I obtain various computer systems and other equipment,  that I recondition, upgrade, and offer for redistribution to students. 

As has been my practice in past years, I always offer these systems to students (at my cost of refurbsishment) before I attempt to dispose of them to the public-at-large.  I would much rather that students, that need a computer, have first choice.

The computers being offered are complete systems and are in excellent condition.  If you, or anyone you know, is interested in any system or piece of equipment, click on the highlighted system Component ID below to obtained a complete listing of the components and any associated software with each system.

NoteTo display the computer or equipment item listings, you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader .  If you do not have a copy, click on the following web link, to download the reader.      

Download computer/equipment listings by clicking on the component ID below (when reflected in "Green").



Component ID


Desktop PC System   Asus Micro ATX


Desktop PC System  CyperPower Gaming Computer


Desktop PC System  Dell Inspiron 3650 X00


Desktop PC System  HP Slimline PC-270











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