









This webpage provides an abbreviated version of the official SAC on-line eSyllabus.  Selected items have been presented here for quick reference.

To obtain a copy of the official syllabus, click on the PDF icon button   -  


ACCT 2301 Syllabus Basics

CATALOG DESCRIPTION. This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of financial accounting as prescribed by U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to transactions and events that affect business organizations. Students will examine the procedures and systems to accumulate, analyze, measure, and record financial transactions. Students will use recorded financial information to prepare a balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and statement of shareholders' equity to communicate the business entity's results of operations and financial position to users of financial information who are external to the company. Students will study the nature of assets, liabilities, and owners' equity while learning to use reported financial information for purposes of making decisions about the organization.  Students will be exposed to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).


     Basic Skills Prerequisites: ENGL 0300, READ 0302, MATH 0300
     Sophomore standing or consent of department chair or designate


      John Wild / Ken Shaw,  2022
      Financial & Managerial Accounting, 9e, McGraw-Hill Education
      (ISBN-13: 978-1-264-09867-5)

     The e-book and homework access have been included as Instructional Materials (IM) for this course, with an
      Instructional Materials Charge. No additional text materials are required.

      Computer access for homework and on-line exams.
      Basic Calculator



Class Periods


Days Times  Room

 Remote via Zoom



Assignments for Financial Accounting  (ACCT 2301)


Tentative Schedule

Spring 2025 Semester (No Class Scheduled) Assignments

 Week of

Chapter Topic Chapter Problem
   Course Introduction 
 Accounting in Business 
1 1-7A

 Accounting for Business Transactions

2 2-2A

 Adjusting Accounts for Financial Statements



   Accounting for Merchandising Operations
 Review for Exam #1 (Chapters 1-3)
4 4-1A
   Inventory and Cost of Sales
 Exam #1 (Chapters 1-3)
5 5-1A
   Cash, Fraud, and Internal Controls  6 6-3A, 6-5A
   Accounting for Receivables
 Review for Exam #2 (Chapters 4-6)
7 7-2A, 7-5A
   Accounting for Long-Term Assets
 Exam #2 (Chapters 4-6)
8 8-2A
   Accounting for Long-Term Assets (Continued) 8 8-6A, 8-7A
   Accounting for Long-Term Liabilities 10 10-2A, 10-8A, 10-9A
   Corporate Reporting and Analysis
 Review for Exam #3 (Chapters 7-10)


   Reporting Cash Flows
 Exam #3 (Chapters 7-10)


   Analysis of Financial Statements
 Review for IFRS Quiz  


   Review for Exam #4 (Chapters 11-13)
 IFRS Quiz 
--- ----
   Exam #4 (Chapters 11-13) 
 Comprehensive Final Exam Review
--- ----
   Final Exam (Chapters 1-13)       (See schedule below) --- ----

 Note:   One extra credit Comprehensive Problem, has a specific due date,
              which is provided in the official syllabus.


Current Semester No-Class Days


Special Instructions for Assignments


Optional General Ledger Computer Problems

bulletAs an option, a limited number of General Ledger software problems can be substituted for the assigned textbook problems, or you might want to just try the software for the opportunity to apply classroom subjects to simulated business environments. 

          (1)  The General Ledger software is provided for your use, but can
                  only be run on a PC using a Microsoft Windows operating system.  A
                  software orientation will be provided.  

          (2)  We will continue to use the General Ledger software from a previous
                 textbook edition.  Therefore, we will use a different set of similar
                 problems for your optional computer assignments.  I will provide you a
                 handout for each of those problems (
these assigned problems are not
                 in the current textbook

           (3)  Any computer problems, opted for completion, will be turned in by an e-mail.  The
                 grade for the completed assignment will be posted to the Canvas System.

           (4)  You will keep all printed materials for each problem.

Connect System Assigned Problems

bulletMcGraw-Hill’s Connect Homework System is used for this course.

          a.  It is a web-based assignment and assessment solution that can be used to 
               accomplish your homework assignments.

          b.  Registration:  All accounting classes are a part of the Instructional Materials (IM)
                Program.  When students enroll in this course, part of the course tuition will
                include a fee for the Connect System.  Also included will be access to an e-textbook.

          c.  A separate handout will be provided, with registration information and procedures.

          d.  If you have any technical issues when registering or using the on-line homework
               system, contact the McGraw-Hill technical team at the following website :


           e.  Immediate feedback and grading is provided, by the Connect System, as
                you work the assigned problems.

bullet If you have trouble registering or other Connect System issues, you can also call McGraw-Hill at 1-800-331-5094 for assistance.



Other Assignment Information

A.   When more than one problem is assigned for a chapter, the grades for all of that chapter's assignments
          will be averaged into a single grade.

   B.  You will retain actual homework papers.

   C.  Comprehensive Problem. The following comprehensive problem is optional work that can be
         completed for extra credit.  Extra credit earned can be up to 8%, added to your total course basic
         grade, based on the quality of the work accomplished. The tentative due date for this problem is
         indicated below.
                                                                                        Due Date   
             Comprehensive Problem .................... 

   D.  Chapter Exams.  

        1.  Four chapter exams will be conducted, as scheduled, in the course syllabus. 

        2.  An exam review will be provided and discussed the class session prior to each actual exam date.

        3.  Please advise in advance (when possible) if you will miss an exam, so that arrangements can be 
             made for a make-up exam.  All make-up exams, not otherwise scheduled, will be given the last week
             before the course final exam date.

   E.  Final Exam.  The Final Exam is comprehensive, will consist of both objective and problem-type
         questions, and will be given at the end of the semester. Everyone must take the final exam.

   F.  All exams will normally be scheduled and completed through the College Canvas System.




Final Exam Schedule

Section                    Date                           Time

Course Grading Structure

(1)  Assigned Problems.....................  12%
(2)  Chapter Exams.............................   60%
(3)  IFRS Quiz.......................................     1%
(3)  Final Exam......................................   20%
(4)  Attendance/Participation............     7% 
      Total.................................................. 100%

Extra Credit
   Comprehensive Problem...............     8%
   Course Survey..................................     2%




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